Friday, January 23, 2015

People Grow Up...Sometimes

Definition of a Bully: a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people. 

Observation has led me to think that most adults believe they were bullied during their younger days. Growing-up shines some light on this matter. It also seems to be the solution given to bully situations. "People eventually grow up." Most the time we acknowledge the foolish and awkward minds of adolescents and the immaturity of children. A lot of time we realize how foolish, awkward, and immature we were then too! 

What happens when adults are the bullies? 

In more than one situation, adults have been the culprits of mistreatment to me.  More specifically, it’s been women. Everyone has an instance where a peer has been mean or unkind to them. I am no different. However, I was shocked to experience what it feels like to be "picked-on" by women I was supposed to look up to. 

Several lights came on for me. 

Bullies come in all shapes, sizes, and ages

Friends come in all shapes, sizes, and ages.

Use the actions of others to better yourself, even if those actions are bad. From these people, I learned who I did NOT want to become.

People grow older in years but not necessarily in maturity or kindness.

I grew the deepest gratitude for the caring and kind female leaders I did have in my life.

In my home, I had a magnificent mother and wonderful older sister. Throughout my Church attendance, I found the sweet caring from Sister Walsh, Sister Wright, and Sister Miller. From my friends, I had the amazing Sherri Wright. I now have a remarkable mother-in-law. While serving a mission, I had remarkable mission “moms”. Where would I be without these ladies?! These women are true leaders. 

True leaders love. 


  1. Oh hooray!! I'm so glad I found another incredible blog to read.

    1. Thank you! I look forward to your future comments. Please feel free to contact me with lights that have come on in your life.

  2. Sister Walsh is an incredible lady! She is on my list of female leaders/examples as well! And so are you! I love reading your posts and seeing your insights. Your words teach me and allow me to think about experiences in my life and reflect on what they have taught me. Keep posting! Love ya!

    1. Morgan, thank you. You have always been such a wonderful friend and example. Please share your thoughts and experiences with me that I can share! Love you.
